有些客戶會詢問NDA如果沒有另外約定違約處理的條款,是不是違約就不需要負責任?其實不會,因為NDA本質也是一種合約,當發生違約情事時,除了可以依據NDA本身的違約條款處理外,也可以依據其所適用準據法國家的法律補充適用。例如:準據法如果是台灣的法律,就可以依據民法有關債務不履行的規定,請求損害賠償。因此,許多雙向的NDA可能會出現比較像是須擔保他方免於因違約等而受損害而應予賠償的條款,例如: Each Party shall indemnify and save and hold harmless the other Party for all damages, claims, liabilities and expenses arising out of any breach or failure to comply with any of the terms of this Confidentiality Agreement.
所以,我們經常可以看到NDA有下述的條款:Each party agrees and acknowledges that any breach of this Agreement may cause irreparable harm to the other party for which monetary damages may be inadequate. Accordingly, the harmed party may be entitled to seek injunctive or other equitable relief to remedy any threatened or actual breach of this Agreement by the other party.
另外一個經常被拿出來討論的就是「違約金」的條款,在雙向保密的NDA中,「違約金」的條款比較少見,因為雙方都會有點怕怕的,金額也不好拿捏。如果個案有需要的話,可以參考如下:Should any Party, deliberately or negligently, be in breach of any of the obligations under this Agreement, it shall pay a penalty in an amount of [ ] to the other Party for each breach. Said penalty leaves unaffected the demand for actual damages. 當然,還可以再細緻一點談如何計算違約的次數等,讀者們可以好好地應用Google找到適合的條款參考。
1.雙方並不因NDA的簽署而構成代理、合夥、共同投資等關係(Independent Action ),例如:Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to constitute an agency, partnership, joint venture, or other similar relationship between the Parties.
2.NDA的簽署未課予他方有交換機密資訊或進行買賣、授權等義務(No Obligation),例如:This Agreement imposes no obligation on a party to exchange Confidential Information or to purchase, sell, license, transfer or otherwise make use of any technology, services or products.
3.不得違反技術等出口禁令(Export Restrictions),像是長久以來被美方制裁的伊朗、北韓等,在美中貿易大戰中這類出口禁止違反的案例讓中國廠商吃盡苦頭,其條款如下:Confidential Information disclosed pursuant to this Agreement may include technology and/or software that is subject to export control laws or regulations of the United States and/or other countries, and with respect to which international transfers or releases to foreign nationals may be subject to restrictions, including export licensing requirements, whether or not identified by the Discloser. Any transfer or release of such Confidential Information hereunder shall be subject to all applicable U.S. and other export control laws and regulations. Without limiting the foregoing, the Receiving Party shall ensure that any further transfer or release of Confidential Information hereunder is conducted in accordance with applicable export licenses or regulatory exceptions.
圖文不符.Photo by 蕭家捷