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Step by Step建立企業英文的NDA範本(六)

Updated: Sep 1, 2020




All Confidential Information furnished pursuant to this Agreement is done so solely for the purpose of evaluation of each party's potential interest in mutual business activity. No other right, license or authorization, express or implied, to use is granted and each Party agrees to be so limited with respect to all Confidential Information hereby received.

Neither party to this Agreement acquires any intellectual property rights or licenses under any trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, patents, mask works right or any other intellectual property rights, whether express or implied, under this Agreement. Neither party will identify the other party or use the other party’s name, trademark, logo or acronym in any press release, advertising, sales material, public disclosure or publicity without prior written authorization.


未為任何擔保的條款,常見於智慧財產權授權契約中,NDA雖然不是授權契約,但因為涉及機密資訊的提供,為了避免他方因為評估的過程或是在正式簽署合作合約前期進行試做或試用而產生任何損害,經常會模仿授權契約增加未為任何保證或擔保的條款,包括機密資訊的正確性、可靠性、適用性、未侵害他人權利等。其常見寫法如下: All Confidential Information is provided by the Disclosing Party “As Is.” The Disclosing Party makes no warranties, express, implied or statutory, regarding the accuracy, completeness, performance, merchantability, fitness for use, non-infringement or other attributes of its Confidential Information.



常見的寫法如: All Confidential Information exchanged between the Parties pursuant to this Agreement shall, upon respective request of the Disclosing Party, either be returned to the Disclosing Party or be destroyed by the Receiving Party after termination of this Agreement. 或是像:At the Disclosing Party’s written request, the Receiving Party shall return to the Disclosing Party all Confidential Information and copies thereof in any medium or certify in writing by an authorized representative its destruction.是否需要書面請求、銷毀的程序如何執行等,都可以有不同的變化。

也有更嚴格一點的寫法,直接約定終止或屆期時應返還或銷毀機密資訊,例如:In the event of termination or expiration of this Agreement, the Receiving Party shall immediately destroy or return, at the Disclosing Party’s option, the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information and all copies thereof. 這樣的條款雖然看起來很有保障,但實際執行起來非常痛苦,因為一旦終止或屆期就必須返還或銷毀,必須要搭配有效的營業秘密管理,不然,到時候很難證明已經全部返還或銷毀。


圖文不符.Photo by 蕭家捷

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